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Mining training school 777 dump truck drill rig LHD scoop RDO

Business name:777 dump truck training school

Company description:
Expert UnderGround and Surface moving Machines School. call 0719850775 Mining Training Artisan Training Safety Training Engineering Courses Under MQA ∕ CETA ∕ TETA 1. Dump Truck 2. Excavator 3.LHD Scoop 4. Drill rig 5. Blasting assistant 6.TLB 7. Front End louder 8. Bulldozer 9.Bob cat 10. Mobile crane 11. Grader 12. Forklift 13. Competent person A 14. Competent person B Trade Tests SUCH AS: cal Boiler making (practical Available) Electrical engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Fitting, Diesel Mechanic

Company activities:
Courses Under MQA ∕ CETA ∕ TETA 1. Dump Truck 2. Excavator 3.LHD Scoop 4. Drill rig 5. Blasting assistant 6.TLB 7. Front End louder 8. Bulldozer 9.Bob cat 10. Mobile crane 11. Grader 12. Forklift 13. Competent person A 14. Competent person B Trade Tests SUCH AS: Boiler making (practical Available) Electrical engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Fitting, Diesel Mechanic

Company headquarters - 777 dump truck training schoolStreet:kerk street
City:rustenburg town
Postal code:0299
Opening hours07:00am



Form of business organization:physical person

Department 1

miniprice skills training



Number of employees:30

Year of establishment:6

Date posted / updated:2018-10-10

User - registered since:2018-10-10

Added under the name:Mining training school 777 dump truck drill rig LHD scoop RDO

Posted in category:Other companies & servicesOther companies and services

Province:Northern CapeDistrict:Pixley ka Seme

Statistics:5155 impressions / 744 visits

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