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Forever F. I. T. is a nutrition program for you: loose weight

Forever F. I. T. is a nutrition program for you Best diet ever: with the FIT program you have the instructions and products to: clean your body from inside - control your weight - transform the fat in muscles. With beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, you can decide where your journey takes you. New to fitness and nutrition? Start with F15 Beginner 1 & 2 to learn the basics and get the fundamentals of fitness and nutrition down before continuing on your journey. Already moderately active? Jump ahead to F15 Intermediate 1 & 2 to continue what you’re doing and complement your lifestyle! Already very active? Then, jump right into F15 Advanced 1 & 2 to create greater muscle definition and take your fitness to a whole new level. The F15 program Forever is a combination of meal instructions, nutrition supplements, aloe vera to drink and videoguides for toning exercises.

Price: R 3030.15

Date posted:2024-12-28 12:26:19

Ending date (ad expires):2025-12-28(Days remaining: 290)

Province:Western CapeDistrict:Overberg

Phone / mobile:+393...?


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:Martina Hahn, FBO Forever Living

User - registered since:2020-10-06

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Health and nutritionWeight loss, diets For sale

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