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Shelf Companies, VAT, Income Tax, BEE, Import & Export Lic

Company Registrations, Secretarial Services AND Tax Services We are tax professionals, SARS Registered Tax Practitioners, CIPC Agents, Commissioner of Oaths. We specialise in Company Registrations, Accounting, Tax, Secretarial Services at the most affordable prices. Company Registrations & Secretarial Services 1. Company Registrations 2. Shelf Companies (Ready to trade) 3. VAT Shelf Companies 4. Import and Export licence 5. Registrations of NPO, NPC 6. Registrations of Trust 7. CIDB, Bccci Registrations 8. BEE Certificates 9. Share Certificates 10. CSD Registrations Tax Services 1. Tax Clearance Certificates 2. Letter of good standing 3. Letter of drawing 4. Preparation and submission of all tax returns 5. PAYE ∕ UIF ∕ SDL returns 6. Preparation and submission of PAYE ∕ UIF ∕ SDL 7. Workman’s Compensation Fund Coida Registration

Date posted:2024-05-31 08:56:05

Ending date (ad expires):2025-05-31(Days remaining: 79)

Province:GautengDistrict:West Rand

Phone / mobile:0812...?


Contact person / company:JJ ACCOUNTING & TAX CONSULTANTS

Posted in category:
ServicesAccounting services For sale

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